Sunday, July 09, 2006

Symbols over Substance

There was a time in America when, though our citizens held different faiths and came from different cultures, we were bound by a set of ideas that defined America. Those ideas are stated in our sacred writings: the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and the Gettysburg Address among others. Increasingly, our nation finds its citizens at odds with the ideas and ideals of those writings. They no longer bind us like they once did. For example, it was once a common value that we believed in God, the Creator mentioned in those documents. That’s not to say that every individual believed in God, or that everyone believed in the same god, but we commonly held that there was a God watching over the affairs of men, one that we would answer to one day. It was important to hold that as a common value because it meant that ultimately we would be held accountable for our actions.

Since a common set of ideals no longer binds Americans, about the only thing we have in common, the only thing that now binds us as a culture, is exposure to the same media that enters our homes every day. Every day in America we are bombarded with images of the Hollywood elite and Washington ‘beltway’ politicians…and those that make their living watching and commenting on them. Slowly, and with an almost imperceptible intent, these images have altered the values that we once held in common as a culture.

The enemies of moral standards, the enemies of decency, know that to affect change in our culture they must affect a change in the hearts and minds of its citizens. To accomplish that, they must utilize the popular media. It’s no longer as important that our public figures actually are decent people, so much as it’s important that they ‘appear to be’ decent people. Real agendas have become hidden. Everything has become about appearances. We’ve developed a culture of symbols over substance.

Our symbols mean what we want them to mean. We infuse them with power like we infuse them with meaning. We wear symbols to signify our affiliations. We fly our symbols on flagpoles. We wear symbols to identify with our religious beliefs. Simply wearing a cross, or Star of David is more important to some people than actually living the principles those symbols represent. We represent wealth with the symbol of money. Never mind that real wealth can’t be measured in money. Many have come to see it as an end in itself instead of a means towards an end. Criminals steal our symbols then attack the symbols that maintain order in our society, the police, because they cease to see them as people. Our enemies have attacked the symbols of our system of economics and military might, the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, because they know the power of our symbols and they see the decadence that hides behind them.

Make no mistake, we are in a cultural war. On one side are those who see freedom as only existing when there are no moral standards except the ones handed down from Hollywood, or some other phony, pretentious source at the moment. You can be a person of absolutely no moral values as long as you jump on the bandwagon and appear to be for ‘saving the trees’, or whatever the cause of the day is. These people believe freedom exists apart from responsibility. Personal responsibility is something they want to eradicate. They’ve distorted the freedoms that our country was built on into a license to engage in any form of decadence that one can imagine. The very acts of decadence themselves have become symbols of freedom…symbols without substance.

Prostitution is illegal in most parts of our country, unless it’s being filmed, then we call it pornography and it becomes a symbol for freedom of expression. We’ve let murderers go free when they’ve become symbols of racism. We allow the most base, vile language to fill our airwaves because it’s a symbol of our freedom of speech.

On the other side are those who recognize that freedoms demand responsibility if they are to have real substance. Responsibility demands a strong sense of right and wrong. For our culture to produce anything of real value…it must have values. For our culture to last it has to nourish its citizens and give them a sense of real values. There is no freedom apart from a strong moral standard…there’s only debauchery. If men and women of good conscience don’t act now that’s where we’re headed…

The founding fathers of this nation understood the need for personal responsibility. When they wrote: ‘You have the right to freedom of speech’ what they saw in the statement was ‘You have the right to responsible freedom of speech’. A study of the history of our sacred documents will bear that out. I doubt they could even envision a time when the freedoms they ensured for us would be turned into the license for decadence that we’ve made them.

It’s time to stop our decline into moral decay. It’s time to repent as a nation and turn back to God who made us strong. He is watching. It’s time to put His Ten Commandments in every public square, every church, every school building and every courtroom in the land. If we are to survive as a positive force in the world we need to write them into our hearts. They too are symbols…symbols that have been ignored because of what they represent…real values. And real freedom only lies within real values.

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