Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Free Speech, Religious Freedom and Gay Rights

Recently Phil Robertson, one of the members of the show Duck Dynasty, made the news for his comments about homosexuals in an interview with GQ magazine. The 'Duck Commander' found himself in a firestorm of controversy over simply stating his beliefs. Mr. Robertson is a Christian and he simply stated what the Bible says...homosexuality is a sin. For his comments he was put on hiatus by A&E, the cable channel that produces the show, so they could reassure the (LGBT) "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender " community that they are "gay friendly".

This is not a new phenomenon. One may remember Anita Bryant years ago coming under similar fire. All Ms. Bryant did was state her Christian beliefs also. For these simple statements of belief both Bryant, Robertson and many others have been labeled haters and much worse.

The principles of the first amendment are THE reason why the United States of America was founded. Our forefathers came here to freely practice their various religions and to have freedom of speech and the press. These very principles are under attack by the so-called politically correct. What no war with a foreign enemy has been able to do...the cultural war going on in America is doing.

The first amendment of the constitution says: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

While the principles outlined in our constitution have been the foundation for building the greatest country in the history of the world...these days those principles are being eroded away. One can promote any vile, perverse and sexually degenerate comments one cares to these days...but any mention about God or Biblical morality are strictly forbidden in the public arena.

The Bible foretold of a time when men would call evil good and good evil. We are clearly in such a time. Not only Biblical principles are under attack but American principles are under attack as well. While the first amendment guarantees the right of freedom of speech it only protects one from the government, not commercial or private discourse. That's the argument people are made in Robertson case. The cable channel A&E had the right to pull Mr. Robertson from the air...even though it would had proved to be a very bad business decision.The backlash from traditional Americans pressured A&E to allow Mr. Robertson to resume his appearances.

What this episode did was expose a very dark undertone in our society. The real irony is that the same people who, not so many years ago, fought for their own freedom of speech and freedom of expression now don't want any voices speaking out against them. For a movement whose calls have been for "tolerance" and "diversity" this was pure hypocrisy. The 'LGBT' and "PC" crowd has NO tolerance for free speech or diversity...unless it agrees with them. They are among the first and the harshest to speak out against Christians and the teachings of the Bible which have been traditionally accepted by most Americans. What they demonstrate is a hatred for God.

Don't misunderstand this...homosexuality is no more or less of a sin than adultery, fornication or any other sexual sin. God doesn't hate His children for their sins...but He does hate their sins. The so-called "Gay" movement has coined it's own terms to attempt to redirect the conversation. Sodomites became 'Gays'. Anyone who disapproved of such perversions became 'homophobic' the actual problem is a 'fear of' that lifestyle. Gays insist on their unions being called 'marriages'. This is yet another slap at God. Marriage, Holy Matrimony, is a covenant with God that two people enter into. God recognizes no covenant that is based on, what He calls, sin.

On a personal level, I know both gays and lesbians that I love as people. I think the issue is a very hard one for a Christian. It is one of the main issues of our time. How do we reconcile personal friendships with our spiritual beliefs? We are called on to love our fellow man but real love has rules that the scriptures make clear. We are not to condemn sinners but we are also not to fellowship with them as Christians. That includes ALL who practice sin and refuse to put it out of their lives. I don't try to judge them or anyone else. Only God has the wisdom to do so. But I am called on to be true to what I believe. I can't compromise on that. I cannot condone behavior that, the scriptures, and my heart tells me is sinful. What I can do is love the sinners while not condoning the sins. What I can do is show compassion because I too am a sinner.

Now, as an American, I may not agree with what someone says...but I will fight for their right to say it. We need open, honest dialogue. That's the only way truth can come out as far as I'm concerned. I will not stand for the hypocrisy that the left has demonstrated in this or any other issue.

There is no question that our society is changing...and not for the least from a Christian perspective. The darkness is closing in. Men have begun to call evil good and good evil. They hate the gospel of Christ which calls for men to "Repent" and turn to obedience to God. Even so-called Christian churches now preach what their members want to hear...instead of the truth of the scriptures.

The Bible is clear...we will pay for our disobedience to our Creator. That is not a message people are comfortable hearing...and they shouldn't be. We still need to hear it... No politically correct movement  will ever change that.

The Best of 2013

When I look back over 2013 there are a couple of stories that stand out in my mind. The first is of the young man in foster care that summoned the courage to stand before his church congregation in Florida and ask for someone to adopt him. Davion Navar Henry Only had a simple plea..."I'll take anyone," he said, "Old or young, dad or mom, black, white, purple. I don't care. And I would be really appreciative. The best I could be."

As a human being my heart was touched by a fellow human being reaching out and asking to be loved by someone...anyone. It was a cry that resonated in my heart.

We reach out to touch others. As long as we can be touched by others I believe we have some hope for the future. This young man, who has been in one foster home after another reminded me of that. I wish there was more I could do for him but all I am in a position to do is pray for him. With the courage of heart that he's demonstrated I have every confidence that he'll find his family...his place. The world took note. Stars that shine so brightly are always seen far and wide.

My second choice for the Best of 2013 is a guide dog named Orlando. His master, Cecil Williams, is blind. When Mr. Williams and Orlando were next to the tracks of the New York City subway Mr. Williams fell onto the tracks. Orlando jumped down to protect his master. There was an oncoming subway that couldn't stop in time. Mr. Williams and Orlando crouched down between the tracks and remained unharmed while it passed over them.

Stories about dogs like this are common. I'm a confirmed dog lover and wouldn't be at all surprised to find out one day that dogs are actually angels sent to teach human beings. Dogs understand love, loyalty, friendship, affection, forgiveness...all the good stuff. They have so much to offer...

As it turns out, Mr. Williams was set to lose Orlando and couldn't afford to keep him. When people found out a fund was collected so Mr. Williams was able to keep his best friend. Now that's an uplifting story all around!

My final choice for the Best of 2013 is a story about a baby who was filmed reacting to her mothers singing. She teared up in an emotional reaction to her mothers song. Her mom, Amanda Leroux of Ontario Canada says she reacts that way to the song every time. The film of her reaction made the Favorites list of Yahoo! It seems many of us are touched by a heart that can be touched no matter what age.

I didn't choose anyone rich or famous, no phoney politicians are hyped up athletes, no actors looking for free publicity, I chose the simple and unassuming. Such people (and dogs!) and such stories happen all around us all the time. They touch our hearts when they come to light because they're honest and real. The best of our world always is...


Update...April 2015

Connie Going, his adoption case worker, adopted Davion. She has known him since he was 7. Only had known Going for nearly ten years, and had asked every year if she would adopt him but she always hesitated. This year she made him a part of her family... God answers prayers...Way to go kid!!!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Cycles of History

There are a number of cycles that tend to repeat in history. Generation after generation people forget, if not the facts, then the feelings of what went before. The current generation may know the history of those former but they don't remember the gestalt former generations had. Younger generations often quickly forget the lessons that their forefathers had to learn...quite often the hard way.  Economic upheavals, like depressions, tend to come in cycles. Wars also tend to come in cycles. Such cycles and historical trends are carefully studied by sociologists and economic advisers and others to predict future trends.

One historical cycle that is often overlooked is that of religious orthodoxy. It is an historical trend that people tend to turn back to their religious traditions in times of economic, political and social upheaval. When people feel lost and powerless they often turn to the religious traditions of their forefathers. We can see this happening in the Arabic Muslim world right now. As the dictators that have ruled Arabic countries fall one by one the people are trending to turn back to their traditional faith...Islam.

I believe we are on the verge of a similar cycle here in the West. Western Europe and America especially are undergoing a time of economic uncertainty and social upheaval. We simply can't keep pace with our technology and societal changes. The result leaves many people feeling lost and disconnected. Some call it 'existential angst'. When that feeling has reached a tipping point I believe we will witness large segments of our population turning back to the traditional faiths of their fathers.

There is a certainty in the faith of ones fathers but there is also a drawback in adhering to ones traditional faith because it "feels" more secure. The drawback is that such worldviews tend to become rigid and closed off to new ideas. A strong religious population can be oppressive to those who don't hold it's beliefs. It's for that reason that people tend to eventually throw off traditional beliefs. Therein lay the roots of the cycle that tends to repeat itself in history.

In the West, both in Europe and in America, we have reached a "free-for-all" in our morality. This is dangerous for several reasons but it's main affect is to create an unstable society. History is clear that such societies do not exist for long. We are ripe for a religious orthodoxy to be imposed upon us. Such times often see political tyranny imposed on people as well. What faith our world turns to may well depend on who the world recognizes as a leader. The most charismatic voice is the one usually heard the loudest. Christians the world over believe that Christ will return but most don't realize that the Anti-Christ will come first. That too is a historical trend. The world will believe that a savior has returned. History and the Bible tell us that they will be wrong.

He is coming.

Love and Bliss

There are those who claim they know 'the secret key' to understanding the scriptures. There is indeed a key that unlocks the scriptures and in some respects it is a least to some people. Do you want to know the key to understanding the scriptures? It's love. Every page, every paragraph, every word, every punctuation flows with Gods love for His children. That the scriptures exist is proof of Gods love. He created us out of love. He gave us His law out of love for us. He allowed His only begotten son to become one of us, to suffer pain, humiliation and death at the hands of human beings out of His love for mankind.

The problem arises when we misunderstand what love is and what it is not. Love is NOT just what we is what we DO. Scriptures tell us the fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness. Most of the fruits of the spirit are qualities about dealing with someone else. Bliss is most commonly confused with love because bliss feels good. Bliss isn't bad as long as it is not mistaken for spiritual growth. We can experience bliss while looking at a beautiful sunset or experiencing a "perfect moment". Just like there are counterfeit gospels, there are also counterfeits for love. Bliss can also be a counterfeit for love. In Eastern and New Age religions bliss is often mistaken for love.

Bliss can be a counterfeit love for 'spiritual' people. Bliss is what those who are "spiritual but not religious" most often feel. To show real love there must be another. And the other is always imperfect. That's what makes love so special. Love is getting into the trenches and getting dirty. We don't love the perfect...we love the imperfect. Bliss doesn't feed the hungry, visit the lonely, comfort the sick or give a coat to someone who's does these things.

Love may be said to be like a pearl. Do you know how pearls are formed? You put something irritating in an oyster, like a grain of sand, and a pearl is it's response. Love covers imperfections like a pearl covers a grain of sand. 

Bliss is what we feel. Love is what we DO.
Bliss is about ourselves. Love is always about another.
Bliss is content to remain alone. Love always reaches out.
Bliss is not doing. Love is DOING.
Bliss can be completely self absorbed. Love is NEVER self absorbed.
Bliss is static. Love is dynamic.
Bliss can be like a stagnant pond....Love is like a river of living water.
Love always grows, always moves.

Christ didn't condemn a fig tree to die because he didn't like trees... it is a lesson for us.
We MUST bear fruit! The fruits of the spirit are all about dealing with other/imperfect people.

Gods Word defines what spiritual growth is the way DNA defines what physical growth is. True spiritual growth is always guided by the template of love like physical growth is guided by DNA.

Don't be deceived. We don't grow by watching a sunset...we grow by reaching out of ourselves to others. We first have to learn to love ourselves then we have to learn to extend, to grow, our sense of ourselves. That's what love is...extending our sense of ourselves to include others. Hurt doesn't stop it, misunderstanding doesn't stop it, disappointment doesn't stop it, pain doesn't stop it...Love keeps coming like a pounding wave that eventually turns a mountain into sand. Love is what will transform the universe and us if we let it.