Monday, December 07, 2015

The Facts about the "Religion of Peace"

Here's what the Koran says:

The Verse Of The Sword from Al-Tawbah
Fight and slay the pagans (infidels) wherever ye find them, and seize them,
beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war." - Sura 9:5

"Prophet, make war on unbelievers and hypocrites, and deal rigorously
with them." - Sura 9:73

"Let not the unbelievers think they will ever get away. They have not
the power to do so. Muster against them all the men and cavalry at
your command, so that you may strike terror into the enemy of Allah
and your enemy... Prophet, (Muhammed) rouse the faithful to arms!
If they (the non-Muslims) incline to peace (accept Islam) make
peace with them." - Sura 8:59

"If they reject your judgement, know that it is Allah's wish to scourge
them for their sins." - Sura 5:49

"Believers (Muslims), take neither Jews nor Christians to be your
friends: they are friends with one another.
Whoever of you seeks their friendship shall become one of their number,

and God does not guide (those Jewish and Christian) wrong-doers." - Sura 5:51

These are just some of the many, many scriptures in the Koran that advocate violence against non-Muslims. So called "Peaceful" Muslims will tell you that these verses are...taken out of context or they're mistranslated from Arabic into English etc.

The FACT is "Peaceful" Muslims need to tell that to the ONE HUNDRED MILLION MUSLIMS that advocate violence because of such verses.

Here are more facts:

The Shoe Bomber was an Islamic extremist terrorist
The Beltway Snipers were Islamic extremists
The Fort Hood Shooter was an Islamic extremist
The underwear Bomber was an Islamic extremist
The U-S.S. Cole Bombers were Islamic extremists
The Madrid Train Bombers were Islamic extremists
The Bafi Nightclub Bombers were Islamic extremists
The London Subway Bombers were Islamic extremists
The Moscow Theater Attackers were Islamic extremists
The Boston Marathon Bombers were Islamic extremists
The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Islamic extremists
The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Islamic extremists
The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Islamic extremists
The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Islamic extremists
The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Islamic extremists
The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Islamic extremists
The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Islamic extremists
The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Islamic extremists
The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Islamic extremists
The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Islamic extremists
The Besian Russian School Attackers were Islamic extremists
The first World Trade Center Bombers were Islamic extremists
The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Islamic extremists
The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Islamic extremists
The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Islamic extremists
The Kenyan Mall Massacre was done by Islamic extremists
Boko Haran are Islamic extremists
The kidnapping of an entire girls school and selling them into slavery in Nigeria was the work of Islamic extremists
The burning of a village full of 2000 people in Nigeria most of them alive was the work of Islamic extremists
The no-go zones being established in the west are allowed to be established by Islamic extremists
The Charlie Hebdo Magazine Massacre was carried out by Islamic extremists
The Pakistani school massacre of over 100 children was carried out by Islamic extremists
The men who shot little girls on a school bus in Afghanistan because they wanted an education were Islamic extremists.
The people demanding a separate government in the Phillipines are Islamic extremists
Since the year 2000 over 40 bombings have been carried out in the Phillipines by Islamic extremists
The Oklahoma City workplace beheading was done by an Islamic Extremist
The Fort Hood shooting was carried out by an Islamic extremist
The NYC cop Ax attacker was an Islamic extremist
The Canadian Parliament attack was carried out by an Islamic extremist.
France was attacked by Islamic extremists
The Chattanooga attack was by Islamic extremist .
The Oklahoma murderer who behead an American tried converting co-workers to Islam

The San Bernadino murders were committed by Islamic extremists.

Here are more facts...these are only thru 2004:

Sept.5, 1972...International Olympics...Munich, Germany...11 Israeli athletes murdered

Oct.23, 1983...United States Marine Corps barracks. Beruit, Lebonon...241 murdered...80 wounded

Oct.1985...Achille Lauro hijacked...69 year old American tourist in a wheelchair murdered...because he is Jewish

Dec.21, 1988...Pan Am flight 103...Lockerbie, Scotland...270 murdered

Feb.26, 1993...World Trade Center...New York, New York...6 murdered...1000 injured

June 25, 1996...Kobar Towers...Riyad, Saudi Arabia...19 murdered...372 injured

Aug. 7, 1998...U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania...224 murdered...hundreds injured

Oct. 12, 2000...Navel Vessel USS Cole in Persian Gulf...17 murdered...39 injured

Sept. 11, 2001...World Trade Center/ Pentagon...New York, New York/ Washington D.C....3030 murdered...2337 injured

In Israel since the second Intifadah there have been 425 terrorist attacks... 377 Israelis murdered...2076 injured

52 were suicide bombings...murdering 288 people...

(This information is dated and far from complete).

March 11, 2004…Spain, 10 bombs exploded on four commuter trains at three railstations, murdering 191 people, more than 1,800 injured

Sept.1-3, 2004…Beslan, Russia…1200 plus people in an elementary school taken hostage by 32 terrorists, 330 murdered…176 of them children (They were not allowed to eat, drink or go to the bathroom for three days while they were held hostage. Bombs killed many of them, many more were shot in the backs as they tried to escape)…over 500 injured...24 children orphaned.

All these MURDERS were committed by Islamic Extremists...

President Obama doesn't want you to see a pattern here. The BLIND SHEEP that follow him don't either...because it's POLITICALLY INCORRECT to racially profile or condemn a whole religion based on what THOUSANDS of them are doing.
(You see...they think their 'opinions' are equal to facts.)

We can fight them in their lands or we can fight them here...

When the Hell are we going to wake up!!!

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