Sunday, August 20, 2006

What is Beauty?

I’ve been doing some further reflection on art. I’ve asked in an earlier piece: What is Art? I’ve come to a working answer at least. I don’t believe reflecting the ugliness in the world is art. I believe art should be uplifting. It should be timeless. Art should be beautiful. The question then arises: What is beauty? I’ve read some of what various philosophers have had to say on the subject, but I choose to address the question by how it makes me feel and what I learn from it.

First, I think beauty evokes a physical reaction. It pleases us. There is, perhaps, nothing more beautiful in the universe to me than a beautiful woman. The beauty of a woman isn’t ‘one’ thing…it can be several. There is the kind of beauty that evokes a hormonal reaction. We can sexually desire a woman. That is, I think, the lowest form of feminine beauty. There is a kind of beauty some women have that captivates us in our minds. Something about them makes us want to just ‘be around’ them. These women are interesting. We want to see what they’ll do next. We want to hear what they have to say. We like these women! Then there is the, almost transcendent, kind of beauty that we idealize. These women are the goddesses. We put them on pedestals. Just looking at them can cause a stillness in us. I think this is the kind of beauty that romance begins with.

The first kind of beauty women have, the sexual attractiveness, is fleeting. It fades over time. The second and third kinds of beauty can grow with time. These are kinds of beauty that only some men will perceive and respond to. Not all men will be drawn to any one woman in the same way. We can all see something different. All women have something beautiful about them if one will only take the time to notice.

Beauty in other forms can evoke physical reactions in us as well. I have seen sunsets and mountains, among other sights, that caused me to well up with tears they were so beautiful to me. These were forms of beauty beyond possession. To appreciate their beauty, I had to stop and take it in. I am reminded here of the saying: Life is not about the number of breaths you take, it’s about the moments that take your breath away. Some of these are the moments that take our breath away. This is a transcendent beauty. It’s both fleeting and new with every moment. This is the kind of beauty that makes something in us say: “Thank You…”

Beauty can be a teacher, or so it seems to me. Beauty can teach us about how fleeting life is. We have to stop and appreciate it to really ‘get’ it. Afterwards it fades. Something in the view, or in us, changes and the moment is gone. Beauty can teach us to fully participate with life in each moment. In each moment there is something of beauty to be perceived. We can hold it, but only for a moment, then we have to let it go. Maybe this is why women possess the most captivating kind of beauty. We can physically hold them. We can possess them. But, that’s only fleeting too. All of these kinds of beauty can teach us something about love. A part of love is stopping to appreciate something special outside of ourselves. Love is opening our hearts to it to take it in and become one with it, if only for a moment.

Sometimes I don’t even realize, when I sit down to write, where it will take me. Something inside pushes out to express itself and then I learn something more about what’s going on inside me. I didn’t know where contemplating beauty would take me. I’ve learned something from listening…to me. Beautiful…

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