Tuesday, August 15, 2006


The world powers are, once again, focused on the Middle East. Throughout history it’s been a political hotspot. It was once a coveted overland trade route between Asia, Africa and Europe that was regularly fought over. We all know the area is the birthplace of the three great Western religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It's home to some of the holiest places of those faiths. And, most relevant to most of the modern world, the area is the richest source of oil on earth. Anything that disrupts the peace there has the power to interfere with the flow of oil to a power-hungry world. That’s a reality.

Jewish history is such that, when the Romans occupied their homeland, the Romans drove them out in the Diaspora. After nearly two thousand years, and WWII, when Hitler made a concerted effort to murder an entire people, the world recognized that the Jews needed a homeland. The United Nations was responsible for the formation of the modern state of Israel in 1948. The Jews were given their ancestral homeland back by the world. The only people that have consistently refused to recognize that official decision by the United Nations are the Arabs.

Arabs will say that they fear Zionism, the idea that Israel will expand…but that’s only a story for the naive. The fact is the Arabs want to eradicate Israel. They do not believe it has the right to exist…period. Their arguments about the Palestinians being a people without a homeland ring hollow when one realizes the largest population on earth without their own homeland are the Kurds. Arabs don’t care much about them because they live in Arabic countries.

Without their oil, the world would probably pay little attention to the Arabs. But, their oil has given them financial power and a voice in the world. Muslim theology demands that they spread Islam throughout the world with it. The history of Islam is a bloody one. If people didn't convert with the word they were converted with the sword. Additionally, Muslim eschatology, or end time theology, says that Islam must wipe out the children of Israel before Gods final judgment. That translates into a hatred of the Jews. True Muslim believers are never going to make peace with Israel…and that’s a reality.

Many people want to blame the Jews for the violence in the Middle East. While anti-Semitism is on the rise around the world, especially in the Middle East and in Europe, the facts of history are plain. The Jews have only wanted to live peacefully in their homeland. They don't proselytize their faith. They don’t start wars. They don’t invade other countries to take territory. When modern Israel has taken territory it was because they were attacked and they took it to form a buffer zone between themselves and their enemies. They've offered to return those lands in return for peace. The Jews have contributed to the arts and sciences of civilization far out of proportion to their small numbers. They've set a standard of morality, as a people, that has been a light to the world.

In the dark ages of Europe, when the black plague ravaged the population, much of the Jewish population was spared. Many of the Europeans came to believe that was because the Jews had cursed the Christian population. The fact was, the Jews kept Gods laws of quarantine and sanitation revealed in the Bible. Obeying those laws kept them from falling prey to the disease. Sanitation and quarantine practices are now common among modern nations, thanks in part to the example of the Jews.

They have kept Gods revealed law to mankind alive and well...despite all the efforts that have been made to wipe them out of existence. It's for that reason that Satan has attempted to destroy them throughout history. Satan has used the Persians, the Romans, the Spanish Inquisition and the Nazis...but the Jews have always survived while their enemies have been destroyed. God has protected His people.

Some may claim a hatred of Jews based on individuals they've known, but to hate an entire people based on a few individuals is irrational. There are bad apples in every basket. Anti-Semitism comes from one source and it has nothing to do with God. For those that believe in God but give no thought to Satan…you need to reconsider. Hate is the work of Satan. He is alive and well. He wants to destroy the Jews because they have kept the knowledge of the One True God. Practicing Christians are on that list too...

There is a reason why terrorists have targeted our nation along side the Jews. The United States and Israel are two of the most moral nations on earth, despite our many flaws. But Jews and Christians need to realize who the Real enemy is here. It's not one of flesh and blood. Ultimately the way our enemies will be defeated is in our obedience to God. A part of that obedience is found in where our loyalty and our sympathies lay. There is NO such thing as an Anti-Semitic Christian. A person can be one or the other, but not both. Our savior was born into the tribe of Judah. Jews didn’t kill Christ…our sins did. That is the very heart of the Christian message. That makes every human being culpable.

Once again hate is mounting against the tribe of Judah. Islam has become the right hand of Satan. Muslims are rearing up against the people of the One True God. Like all of the others that have done so…they will ultimately be destroyed. There won’t be peace in the Middle East until they are. That too is a reality.

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