Sunday, August 20, 2017

Human Nature

I'm a game of thrones fan...just like millions of other people. I think a part of it's appeal is that all human beings recognize greed, unbridled ambition and people who will do anything to get what they want. We recognize those, and the other qualities that the GOT characters demonstrate because they are all a part of each of us. We all draw from the well that is humanity.

While watching one evening it occurred to me that the various characters run around just like they actually have power, like they are in charge of the earth. Human leaders everywhere are little different. I thought: "How foolish human beings are to think that we control things!". That kind of control is a pure illusion. We have no real control over life. Sickness, old age and death come to us all eventually. We can't keep someone we love from dying when their time comes. We can't control what someone else thinks or feels. We can't control the weather or the geological changes in the earth. We live on the surface of a big ball and we are little better than ants. Someone observing us from a great altitude would, undoubtedly, come to a similar  conclusion.

What we do have power over; what we can control is ourselves. This is a truth that has been discovered and described by the wise in every race; every culture and every age. Theirs are voices that get drowned out in every generation because the young believe they are the first to discover all the wonders in life. For them everything is new so they must have discovered it. We can pass down our genes and we can pass down the body of knowledge that our race has amassed but we can't pass down wisdom. Wisdom is something that must be earned by every individual and, try as they might to pass it on, every wise person who has ever lived has found that very few will actually learn from their experience. You see...that's what wisdom is...learning from someone else's experience.

We have the power to destroy ourselves...and all life on earth for that matter. What we don't have the power to do is create life. The power that we think we have is an illusion. We like to delude ourselves that we are much more than we are. We, collectively, have thrown God out of our lives like we don't need Him. 'That' is delusional. We need Him now more than ever.

We'll all realize that one day. And that day is coming sooner than most of us think.

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