Thursday, April 10, 2014

Corruption Most Vile

In 1973 President Richard M. Nixon resigned as president of the United States. He did so as a result of the Watergate break-in scandal wherein he ordered men to spy on the Democratic Party. That is considered one of the darkest moments in US political history. Barack Obama has ushered in an even darker time...

In 2008 Americans elected a black man as president in an historic moment thinking they were turning the page of  history on white Americas treatment of black Americans. We elected a man without any executive experience, no experience in starting or running a business, no military experience and only a short times experience in the Senate. We elected a man wholly unqualified to be president except for the fact that he is a well-spoken black man. That is the ONLY reason many voted for him. We were promised by Barack Obama that his would be the "most transparent administration in history" and it would "marked by the rule of law". We were told that he would "transform America".

Barack Obama has proven to be an arrogant, lying, thin-skinned, mean spirited, sleazy politician of the lowest order despite his skin color. His administration manipulated the IRS to unfairly and unconstitutionally target his political opponents. His administration has covered up the facts of the murder of four Americans, including an American ambassador, in Benghazi, Libya solely for political purposes. He and his contemptible Attorney General, the racist Eric Holder, covered up the truth about the so-called Fast and Furious debacle.  He said whatever it took to get elected with absolutely no intention of keeping his word. Obama lied, cheated and engaged in all manner of underhanded deals to ramrod his healthcare law through Congress despite the majority of Americans opposition to it. Obama's crimes are far, far worse than anything Richard Nixon ever did.

Despite Obama's claims, while running for office, that his would be an administration marked for transparency and abiding by the law he has refused to do his constitutional duty and enforce the laws that Congress has passed. He has ignored some laws completely and changed others to fit his world view simply by the stroke of his pen. His is the LEAST transparent administration in memory. He has insulted and belittled his political opponents, the Republican Party, at every occasion then complained that they won't work with him to institute his agenda. He has refused to do what practically every president in history has done and reach compromises with Congress. THAT is his job! Congress is a co-equal branch of government filled with men and women elected by the American people to represent their interests.In other words, he has refused to do what the constitution dictates he is to do. The presidents job is to build consensus because he is the president of all the people...not just those of his party. Ours is a government of consensus with three co-equal branches of government.

While his domestic agenda is to punish the successful who have built this country by taking their money and giving it to those who believe they deserve handouts, Obama has weakened this country militarily. His is the tired old tried and failed 'tax and spend' philosophy because he wants to buy the votes of minorities and those who won't make the efforts to better themselves. He, like other liberals, doesn't seem to realize the money has to come from somewhere and you can only punish the successful so much before they find a way to hide their money instead of investing it in our country. He has intentionally caused division between rich and poor; blacks and whites; and between men and women. The one segment of our society he doesn't want to spend money on is our military. Though a strong military is necessary for a free people and a safer world Obama wants to shrink it. Our allies can no longer trust that we will be there for them and our enemies have become emboldened because they know Obama is not a leader. He is a weak ideologue bent on bringing this country down for, what he perceives as, past injustices.   

America, for all it's faults has been the greatest force for good in the world for the past one hundred years. If America is weakened...the rest of the world becomes a more dangerous place. Liberals just don't seem to get that!

Obama has proved he is only the president of very liberal Democrats. He dismisses anyone who disagrees with him as partisan...because everything he does is partisan! He never takes responsibility for anything wrong. Nothing is ever 'his' fault! (Some leader!!!) He only hears about problems in the country when they appear in the news...or so he claims. Obama says a great many things the people want to hear but what he says often has little to do with what he does. That is what we have to watch. He doesn't like what America is. He has demonstrated that he believes America is a bad country. He doesn't understand American strengths or values. And, he clearly doesn't understand our enemies.

Our media, for the most part, has been in the tank for this unqualified, anti-American ideologue. It's time Americans wake up to how this man is attempting to destroy everything that made this county great. He claims to be a Christian but has proved time and again to be anti-Christian. His administration has created so many thousand new regulations that they are choking to death the free-market that made this country an economic power-house.

Together with his corrupt Attorney General, Eric Holder, Obama is trampling on the constitution he swore to uphold and defend. He has proven he isn't qualified to run a candy store! Instead of unifying Americans, he has been the most divisive president in history. He has surrounded himself with 'Yes' men and women who tell him how great he is while he flatly ignores anyone he disagrees with. He and Holder have set race relations back by decades. He has wrecked the greatest health care system in the world. He has weakened the greatest military power in the world. He has turned his back on veterans who's care he promised would be a cornerstone of his administration. He has made America a laughing stock in the eyes of the world. And, he has made the world a much more dangerous place.

This is a dark time in America.

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