Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Best of 2013

When I look back over 2013 there are a couple of stories that stand out in my mind. The first is of the young man in foster care that summoned the courage to stand before his church congregation in Florida and ask for someone to adopt him. Davion Navar Henry Only had a simple plea..."I'll take anyone," he said, "Old or young, dad or mom, black, white, purple. I don't care. And I would be really appreciative. The best I could be."

As a human being my heart was touched by a fellow human being reaching out and asking to be loved by someone...anyone. It was a cry that resonated in my heart.

We reach out to touch others. As long as we can be touched by others I believe we have some hope for the future. This young man, who has been in one foster home after another reminded me of that. I wish there was more I could do for him but all I am in a position to do is pray for him. With the courage of heart that he's demonstrated I have every confidence that he'll find his family...his place. The world took note. Stars that shine so brightly are always seen far and wide.

My second choice for the Best of 2013 is a guide dog named Orlando. His master, Cecil Williams, is blind. When Mr. Williams and Orlando were next to the tracks of the New York City subway Mr. Williams fell onto the tracks. Orlando jumped down to protect his master. There was an oncoming subway that couldn't stop in time. Mr. Williams and Orlando crouched down between the tracks and remained unharmed while it passed over them.

Stories about dogs like this are common. I'm a confirmed dog lover and wouldn't be at all surprised to find out one day that dogs are actually angels sent to teach human beings. Dogs understand love, loyalty, friendship, affection, forgiveness...all the good stuff. They have so much to offer...

As it turns out, Mr. Williams was set to lose Orlando and couldn't afford to keep him. When people found out a fund was collected so Mr. Williams was able to keep his best friend. Now that's an uplifting story all around!

My final choice for the Best of 2013 is a story about a baby who was filmed reacting to her mothers singing. She teared up in an emotional reaction to her mothers song. Her mom, Amanda Leroux of Ontario Canada says she reacts that way to the song every time. The film of her reaction made the Favorites list of Yahoo! It seems many of us are touched by a heart that can be touched no matter what age.

I didn't choose anyone rich or famous, no phoney politicians are hyped up athletes, no actors looking for free publicity, I chose the simple and unassuming. Such people (and dogs!) and such stories happen all around us all the time. They touch our hearts when they come to light because they're honest and real. The best of our world always is...


Update...April 2015

Connie Going, his adoption case worker, adopted Davion. She has known him since he was 7. Only had known Going for nearly ten years, and had asked every year if she would adopt him but she always hesitated. This year she made him a part of her family... God answers prayers...Way to go kid!!!

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