Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Iran, The Growing Threat...Updated

While the current occupant of the White House attempts to appease Muslims, runs our economy into the ground and fails to lead this country, there is a threat growing in the Middle East that could plunge the world into war. While our media and politicians’ dicker and debate over what to do about Iran’s growing nuclear ambitions, the Iranians plow ahead claiming to the world that they only want nuclear power, not weapons. Everyone knows that’s a blatant lie. Iran refuses to allow inspectors to see their facilities…because they have something to hide! Unfortunately no one seems quite sure what to do about it. The best option any of our gutless politicians can come up with is more sanctions. The trouble is Iran trades with Russia and China and they won’t support sanctions so the Iranians know they have powerful friends. And they keep purifying Uranium.

Many claim that a madman rules Iran but Mahmoud Ahmadinejad isn’t mad, he’s a devout Shia Muslim. Until our state department comes to understand the psychology of the religiously devout, especially devout Muslims, they will never understand what motivates this man or his actions. There is no such thing as a ‘radical’ or ‘extremist’ Muslim…there are only devout Muslims and those who aren’t devout. To actually practice what Islam teaches is to be seen by non-believers as ‘extremist’. That's why we rarely hear of  'moderate' Muslims condemning 'extremists'. Silently moderates believe that their extreme counterparts are more devout. Muslims cannot be judged by Western standards of morality. Islam has to be understood in its own light. What the West needs to understand about Iran is that they want to be the dominant power in the Middle East. They want to resurrect the Persian empire in the name of Allah.

The fact is Islam and Western ideals of personal freedom are at odds with each other. The two cannot peacefully coexist. They are incompatible philosophies. We, in the West, believe the state of Israel has a right to exist and its citizens have the right to self-determination. The West acknowledges the turbulent history of the Jews in the last century. Hitler attempted the genocide of the Jews in the Holocaust. Ahmadinejad, like many other Muslims, has denied the Holocaust ever happened. He has openly advocated the destruction of Israel. He does this because he believes he is serving his god. The Israelis understand this even if the president and state department do not.

Ahmadinejad has faith that the Mahdi will return and that Iran can hasten that coming. The Mahdi, or Mehdi, is a messiah-like figure that is prophesied to come and unite the lands and peoples of Islam. He will come in a time of great turmoil. He is believed to be the one that will usher in the end time and forcibly convert the world to Islam. He is prophesied to destroy Zionism and the people of Israel. The leadership of Iran believes they can hasten his coming by threatening, or even starting, a nuclear conflict with Israel. That may sound insane to a secularist Westerner but that's because most don't understand the mind of a religiously devout Shia Muslim.

In Shia Islam, the Mahdi is closely related to the Twelfth Imam, Muhammad al-Mahdi. In Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s public addresses he frequently closes with a blessing on the coming of the Twelfth Imam.

There is a great deal of turmoil in the Arab Muslim world right now. The so-called ‘Arab Spring’ finds the people in many nations overthrowing the dictators that have ruled them for years. The result is leaving a power vacuum that devout Muslim groups have been quick to take advantage of. The mass psychology of people in unstable times has historically shown them turning to their faith for stability. The Arab Muslim world is headed, not for democratic reforms but for a new wave of religious zealotry. That will endanger all in the Middle East, especially Israel. And, since the Middle East is one of the major players in supplying oil to an energy hungry world, what happens there affects the rest of the world.

For Iran to actually procure nuclear weapons would mean a very real threat to Israel’s existence. Israel will not allow that to happen. They have proved that they will use military strikes to remove such threats. They have done so in Iraq and in Syria.

When, not if, Israel strikes Iran…Iran will retaliate by unleashing a wave of terror attacks via their surrogates in Hamas and Hezbollah. Iran will punish the world putting pressure on them to retaliate against Israel. This will drag other nations into the conflict and could very well trigger a world war.

Israel doesn’t want to go to war but they are being forced to weigh the threats of a war against an Iran with or without nuclear weapons. While the latter is undesirable, the former is unthinkable. They would prefer to have the US on their side in the final decision but we have a president and an administration who are putting more pressure on Israel not to preemptively strike Iran than the pressure they are putting on Iran not to develop a nuclear arsenal. The Obama administration has shown a sympathy to the Muslim world in their appeasement approach that the Muslims simply interpret as weakness. Combined with Obama's veiled hostility towards Israel it shows the Israelis they cannot depend on our president and current administration.

Our strongest allies are those who share our values. There aren’t many in the world that do so. In the Middle East there is only one country that shares our democratic ideals. Israel is our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world. We need to stand firmly by them in the coming trouble.

In addition to the growing instability in the Middle East and the rise of Muslim fundamentalism, much of the Western world is on the verge of economic collapse. It is a fact of history that great economic upheavals tend to precede major wars. We are living in VERY DANGEROUS times. America, like Israel, has enemies waiting to pounce when they sense weakness in us. We need a president who the world sees as a strong leader, not the wishy-washy socialist we have now.

Though Muslim rhetoric accuses Israel of Zionism, the intent to expand, it is in fact the Muslims who are determined to expand Islamic territory. Historically it was the Muslims who invaded Europe and Asia to forcibly convert followers. The Jews have never tried to convert anyone forcibly or not. It is a fact that the goal is Islam is to dominate the world. They want to institute Sharia law everywhere on earth. That's their stated purpose. Ahmadinejad, a faithful Shia Muslim, believes that he can hasten the return of the Twelfth Iman by causing a time of great turmoil. That is why Iran is intent on gaining nuclear weapons. With nuclear capability Iran can physically threaten the existence of Israel and intimidate the surrounding Muslim nations. With nuclear capability Iran can supply terrorists with the materials to make dirty bombs. Israel knows what our president and state department don't seem to. Iran cannot be allowed to attain nuclear capability.

There is a war coming and it will, to be politically incorrect, be with Islam. There are no Muslim extremists, contrary to what far-left American liberals would have us believe. The Muslim world will sees us as weak and growing weaker thanks to the current administration. This only emboldens them and makes the world a far more dangerous place. Make no doubt about it….We are living in VERY DANGEROUS times...


Update: November 2013...The Obama administration and other European powers have now signed a deal with Iran to relax some of the sanctions against them...while allowing Iran to keep it's enriched uranium. They believe the new leader of Iran, Hassan Rouhani, is a 'kinder gentler' leader. They are WRONG. The Mullahs control Iran and they control the head of state. Their goals have NOT changed. This is a BAD deal!! The West...the world, will come to regret it! Those sanctions were the only leverage the West had against Iran. The Iranian leadership will LIE, CHEAT and STEAL to get what they want! They can see America is weak under Obama and the Europeans are just tired of dealing with the issue. Only Israel seems to clearly see the threat. The world has just become a more dangerous place...

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