Thursday, March 24, 2011

China...The Dragon on the Horizon

There are many reasons to fear for the decline of our nation and culture. For example, one can argue that the moral decline in our culture bears a strong resemblance to a similar decline in the Roman Empire in the days before it's fall. For my purposes here, I'm focused on the decline of America’s work force skills and our growing dependency on a dangerous "friend".

Ask most college students these days and they'll tell you that they want jobs in the business world where they can wear a suit and tie to work; carry a briefcase and sit in front of a computer one way or another. Not many young people are interested in learning skills where it's necessary to sweat. It is those skills, manufacturing and construction related, that built America and have kept her strong and free.

What we have become is a nation of consumers…only consuming and not making anything anymore. It seems like virtually everything has a “Made in China” stamp on it these days. China, it seems, has become the manufacturer for the world. The problem is that China is NOT our friend.

China is looking to become a dominant world power and they know from the lessons of history that industrial power is economic power. And thier economic power is growing with their military power. They are using their totalitarian system to build their infrastructure and their military might. They will eventually challenge us for supremacy in space. They have begun to build, and send into orbit, killer satelites that can destroy other satelites. They will also eventually challenge us for naval superiority. They just launched their first aircraft carrier. And we are financing it all...while we are giving away our industrial power.

China has embarked on a social engineering project the likes of which the world has never seen. They have instituted a one-child limit for the 500,000 families that make up the country. Families see male children as more beneficial for economic purposes so many, many have aborted their female children or given them over to adoption agencies.To date this social policy has men outnumbering women in China by about 18 million.

That means 18 million men without any women to marry. 18 million testosterone driven men that have no outlet for their sexual, or aggressive energies. The country has only realized in the last couple of years that spells disaster for the future. Just imagine a future where no one has any brothers and sisters or cousins, aunts, and uncles. The Chinese culture was built on families. Family has historically been THE primary influence on their culture. Women and families are a civilizing force on men…one the Chinese won't have in a few years. Don’t think for a moment that those men won’t start to look around for a sexual outlet.

In addition China can’t even feed the population it now has without supplementing it’s food supplies with imported goods. The most populous nation on earth can't feed its own people. That alone sets the stage for a coming conflict.

China and India are both on the ascendancy. Both are competing for the same resources…energy and rare earth minerals to name two big ones. When China has built its infrastructure it will begin to flex it’s muscles and it’s immediate neighbors will be the first to feel the tension.

You can bet the Chinese military commanders are planning scenarios in which China and the US go to war. Their hackers have been looking for weaknesses in our national security systems, as well as, practicing industrial espionage for years now. Additionally the Second Artillery Corps, a secretive branch of the Chinese military charged with protecting and deploying Chinas ballistic missiles and nuclear warheads, has constructed thousands of miles of underground tunnels and many underground bases to hide their nuclear arsenal. Since China has not been a part of the nuclear arms treaties that the US and Russia are bound one knows how many nuclear weapons they have. Analysts have speculated that they number as many as 3000. It will only get worse as they become emboldened. And we are paying for all of it...

Right now America is borrowing money from China. We owe them over a trillion dollars. At the same time we’re sending them foreign aid? Our country is at odds with itself and the Chinese know it. They have been manipulating their currency for years to undermine us. They can smell our weaknesses and are happy to take advantage of them.

Our, potentially, greatest enemy is our biggest trading partner right now. They make everything for us. We have become dependent on countries that DO NOT have our best interests in mind. We recognize the threat from the Arab-Muslim world but we don’t see what’s coming from the East. Our media, and most of our politicians, seem completely oblivious to the growing threat that China poses. While China prepares for war we sleep...

I hope we wake up before it’s too late…

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