Monday, August 09, 2010

These Days 'In Amerika'

This is a strange time in the history of our country. It seems to me to be that way at any rate. We have a president that was elected with NO military experience, NO experience in owing or running a business and that had NO executive experience before he assumed office. Exactly what made him think he was qualified to become the most powerful political leader in the world is beyond me? (I suppose the real question is: What made those who voted for him think he was qualified?) We had an electorate that was tired of George Bush Jr. and tired of the war he seemed to have gotten us involved in without any connection to what happened on 9/11. Additionally, the Clinton name came with too much unsavory baggage. We were tired of "politics as usual". And, to be truthful, white Americans were tired of cries of racism and electing a black man seemed to be a way to signal that most Americans have moved beyond it. We were ready for a change.

What we got wasn't the change we had hoped for. What we got was a man who thinks he's wiser than the rest of us. We got a man who seems to think he's a king or dictator...instead of what he is...the temporary occupant of the White House...and the employee of the American people. One thing is obvious...the man is as arrogant as he is unqualified. He has set about to 'socially engineer' a new America. The problem is he doesn't know what he's doing. It's not that America is perfect. God knows we could use some changes! The thing is, our country has worked for over two hundred years now on some pretty sound principles. Barak Obama is ignoring those principles in favor of a Socialist agenda. There is no question, given his direction, that he's a Socialist. Socialistic principles have been tried over and over again in Europe and the East and they just don't work! In fact the Europeans have begun to give up their socialistic ways in favor of more capitalistic practices. Obama wants to build a European style socialist country when even Europe is headed away from that!

Obama has it in his head, no doubt from his upbringing with Communist parents; his experience as a community organizer; his 20 year association with the radical-racist Jeremiah Wright and his other 'dealings' with crooked Chicago politicians and socialist radicals, that what this country needs is to become a "nanny state". The federal government, in his naive view, should ensure that everyone has the right to equality of the wealth of this country has to be redistributed. In short, the government should do everything for everyone!

The problem, as any student of history can tell you, is that every time the government is given more power...especially the power to redistribute wealth...the governed lose more of their freedoms. The United States government exists to give people the most amount of freedoms without stepping on the rights of other people. It was NEVER the job of the federal government to do everything for everyone! It is the federal governments job to: 1.) Form a more perfect union, 2.) establish justice, 3.) insure domestic tranquility, 4.) provide for the common defense, 5.) promote the general welfare, and 6.) secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity. Those directives are stated in the preamble to the constitution of these United States. Every soldier, sailor, airman, Marine...and politician takes an oath to protect and defend the principles in that document against all enemies both foreign and domestic. Now, almost every administration in our history has attempted to expand one or more of those directives to give the federal government more power. For example, "Promoting the general welfare" has been expanded beyond all common sense by this administration. The amendments to the constitution, the Bill of Rights, are clearly stated to LIMIT the powers of the federal government. They exist to protect the citizens of these United States from our own federal government. What many people don't realize is that every time we ask the government to do more for us...we give it more power and we lose more of our freedoms. These are the facts.

The principles in our constitution were written down and made the law of the land by Men who understood history. Our founding fathers were statesmen...unlike the sleazy politicians that have usurp-ted the leadership of this nation.

Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reed and their like don't care what the will of the American people, their employer, is. They don't care what the constitution says. All they care about is their own power...and pushing through their own political agenda.

The Republicans who they took power from were just as guilty of that! George Bush started a war his father left unfinished. Saddam Hussein was as evil as any dictator in history and he deserved to be killed. But there is simply no proof that he had anything to do with 9/11. We engaged in a war that costs the United States TRILLIONS of dollars and will leave the volatile Middle East more unstable than ever. What Saddam Hussein did was give the Muslims in the Middle East something to worry about. Now that he's gone we'll face a much bigger problem with an Iran that is going nuclear. All the US did under Bush was remove one evil dictator to make room for another that will be even worse and, in the process, almost financially break this country!

Add to this we have a president that is as naive as Chamberlain was with Hitler...he thinks he can appease the Muslim world by sweet talking them! What he has done / is making us look weak to the rest of the world and to Muslims in particular. George Bush, for all his faults, had a cowboys sense of justice... I Thank God every day that we had a cowboy in office when 9/11 happened. He kept us safe for the remainder of his term. Let's see if Obama can say that when his four years are up. And, let's hope we can still recognize this country when Obama's time is up...

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