Monday, June 27, 2005

Lift Your Eyes

Oh that men would look to the Most High God... If only we would yield ourselves to His will. We would find the peace that has forever eluded our race. We would find the happiness that has only existed in our dreams. We could find that ‘Better Way’ that our songs and poetry tells us about. We could come out of our solitary existence and know that we are a part of something so much greater…

The Bible, the Revealed Word of God, shows us that there is a beginning, a purpose and an ultimate destiny to history. It reveals to us that there is a spiritual dimension that interacts with our world and has affected our history. God, our Creator, reveals to us that there is a right way to live to achieve health and happiness. He reveals His laws to us so that we may know that right way. God reveals to us there is missing dimension in human psychology and that there is an evil intelligence working against us. Without understanding these revealed truths mankind operates in the dark. The sad fact of human nature is that mankind doesn’t even want to know these things. Human beings want to put, even the knowledge of, God out of their minds. That knowledge stands witness against the purposes of the human heart. Our very nature rebels against the way of our Creator.

Yet another blow was struck against the Way of God recently. The Ten Commandments, the law of love, so offend the godless that they can’t tolerate even the sight of them. The supreme court of the land has yielded to the twisted reasoning of those that make war against the truth. It doesn’t matter much at this point. Even most of those who claim a knowledge of God have put the law of liberty out of their minds. The Ten Commandments have become only a symbol…a dying vestige of the truth they represent.

This is only one small voice amidst the rush and throng of humanity. I use it to say this: Beware…The God of Heaven will not be tossed aside. The Creator of the universe is still on His throne. He sees, He cares, He rewards the obedient and He punishes the unrepentant. His purposes will be served. One day every knee will bow to Him. Every tongue will confess that He is God.

While there is time, while you draw breath…turn your heart to your Creator. If you do that your eyes will be opened to the thousands of miracles He performs every day all around you. It is only in Him that you’ll find the love for your fellow man that makes life worth living. It is only in Him that you’ll find real life at all. Freedom doesn’t lie in lawlessness…that’s the way of chaos and destruction. Freedom lies in our willing obedience to our Creator.

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