Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Creation vs. Evolution

It is ironic to me that so many Christians go to such efforts to prove the various theories of evolution are only scientific fantasies to displace God from His throne. The argument rears its head every few years somewhere. To begin with, it is arrogant to think that God needs us to defend Him. It seems to me to be just another effort to elevate our own status. God doesn’t need our help Thank You very much…

There are various theories of Creationism too, other schools of thought within Christianity itself. Each believes they are correct, and the others wrong, even though they read the same Bible they have come to understand it differently. That in itself is a red flag to me.

Perhaps the most ironic thing is that the people who are the most insistent that their version of the creation story is the correct one only want to prove that the Bible is the revealed word of God. They don’t really want to ‘Do’ what it says… If they spent as much time actually living a ‘Christ-like’ life as they spend in gathering evidence for, and making their arguments, it would draw so many people to the faith from their example that churches would overflow. Why someone would spend so much time and energy on ‘proving’ that the Bible is the Revealed Word of God and then not make every effort to live by it’s precepts is beyond me?

Personally, I don’t get worked up over the issue. The Bible is not a book about ‘How’ God created the universe…It’s a book about ‘Why’. Science can’t answer many ‘why’ questions, but it is excellent at answering the ‘How’ questions. Both science and faith work best when they play to their strengths. ‘How’ God created the heavens and the earth is a subject not many human beings would be ready to understand even if He did reveal it. He inspired a very short version of the creation story to be recorded in the Bible. The focus of the story seems to be to point to Him as the ‘ultimate cause’. Once again, it is not ‘how’ He did it that’s important to the story.

I don’t really have a strong opinion one way or another about the issue. I tend to side with a version of creationism, but I’m not married to it. God could very well have used some form of evolution to achieve, at least part of, His purpose. The fact is that I’ve believed the scriptures said one thing quite clearly at times…only to come to believe they meant something different later. I honestly think the creation story is the wrong place to take a stand. It’s the wrong line to draw in the sand. I think our energies as Christians could be better used elsewhere. Instead of arguing with scientists we could show them, and everyone else, a better way to live by living it. That would be living proof that the Bible is the Revealed Word of God...

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