Saturday, February 12, 2005

The most Helpless among us...

OUTRAGE! That's a word that doesn’t begin to describe what I feel about adults abusing and neglecting children…especially when parents abuse their own children. It is the ultimate betrayal!

Children look to their parents for everything. It is the DUTY of every parent to feed, clothe, shelter, teach, love, nurture and protect their children. Even most animals know that! If you are not prepared to do those things then DON’T raise children! Give the ones you have to someone who will do those things!

I have to insert here that I don’t believe abortion is an acceptable, or moral, way to rid oneself of the responsibility of raising children. The Supreme Court, in over stepping its constitutional authority, created the ‘right’ of a woman to choose to kill her unborn children if they are ‘inconvenient’ when she allows herself to become pregnant. (God forbid that there be consequences to ones actions!)

The Declaration of Independence, one of the founding documents of our way of life, says that “…all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness,,,”
Yes, the Holy Writ of the United States of America declares that there is a God and the very first right He endows every human being with is Life. Now, I’m no lawyer but it seems to me that the legal argument is very simple here…If the Constitution gave every person the right to take a 1000 mile journey and someone prevented another from taking the first step of that journey they would be violating the civil rights of the latter. Abortion prevents a living being from exercising their God-given right. There…that leaves the Bible out of the matter for those who can’t stand to even think about what their Creator intended.

Getting back to my point. Children are not here for us to use for our own gratification. They are a gift from God. They are His opinion that life should go on. They embody the hopes and the dreams of our race for the future. To abuse them is tantamount to taking a baby bird out of its nest and breaking its wings. It will never learn to fly right afterwards. It will carry those scars for all its life…

In the news recently there was a couple that adopted their children, took them into their home and then beat them with hammers, pulled out their fingernails with pliers, locked them in closets and starved them among other things. They CHOSE to take on parenthood. Their betrayal is even more heinous than that of parents who give birth to their own biological children… Even animals raise their offspring with more compassion than these two evil human beings.

The news is full of such stories. We hear them, along with what’s going on in the Middle East and who won the latest sporting event and we go on about our daily business.

What happens to the least of us reflects who and what we really are. What happens to the least of us affects us all. You want your own children to live in a better world? Then you’d better care about how your neighbor is raising theirs… How we raise our children today is what the world will be like tomorrow.

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