Friday, July 17, 2020


While watching a movie recently it occurred to me that one of the most popular themes in movies and literature is when two people come to see beyond their differences and begin see their similarities. It seems especially poignant today since we are so intent on separating ourselves from each other.  As human beings we want to believe we are special and set apart. There are many things that divide us...race, religion, skin color, creed, nationality...and the list could go on and on. We like to see ourselves as "one of us" not "one of them". We sometimes even let things like our choice of sports teams divide us. It seems to me that we are pulled in two opposite directions. We want be be separate and unique and, at the same time, we want to be part of a greater whole.                                   

The wise men and women in every race and age have come to see beyond those things that separate us and see us as connected.  I'm reminded here of the old joke about the Buddhist who, ordering a hot dog says: "Make me one with everything!" The truth is...we are ONE  human race. We all draw from the same well of humanity. When we see another person...we aren't looking at some alien species...we are looking at someone more like us than different from us regardless of the differences we may focus on.

When we come to see, touch, or be touched by the humanity in another person we no longer see them as "one of them". That is what I've come to believe love is...the expanding of our sense of ourselves to include others.

Let's hope more of us come to understand that...before we can't turn back...

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