Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Sin and Christs' Sacrifice

We, Christians, should be ashamed of ourselves. Instead of pointing our fingers at the splinters in the eyes of other people we should be concerned with the beams in our own eyes.

The Bible wasn’t revealed to us for us to tell other people how to live…it was written to us to tell us how to live. We, collectively, believe that Christ died for us to pay the penalty for our sins. He did so with His life’s blood. Too many of us accept that sacrifice and continue to live in sin like we now have a license to do so.

Imagine for a moment that you owed a credit card debt of thousands of dollars. If someone stepped in and offered to pay off your debt and bring your balance back to zero…would you continue to rack up more debt on your credit cards because you knew you had a benefactor to square the debt? Most of us wouldn’t. We would understand the value of what had been done for us and we would endeavor to not go into such debt again.

Too many Christians treat the debt that Christ paid for us like it’s a get-out-of-jail-free card and continue to, not just live in sin, but embrace it! There are stories of ministers, those who believe that they are doing God’s work, that have somehow come to believe they are exempt from obeying God because they are so useful to Him? What a distortion of the Gospel!

Too many Christians, or at least those claiming the title, are busy condemning other people…not just their sins. They have set themselves up as judges over their fellow man. Instead of using Gods word to make themselves better people…they have used it to bring more evil into the world. Instead of using their energies to be a light to the world they add to the darkness. Not ONE of them lives a life without sin. Not ONE of them. They have used the Gospel of Christ to do evil. That is an abomination!

The way Christians are supposed to influence the world is by the example of their lives…not by picketing, or blowing up abortion clinics or bringing shame to the name of God. We are called to a better way. By obeying Gods word in our own lives we publish the Gospel in a more significant way than through anything we say or write. We have forgotten that…

Most Christians don’t even look to the scriptures to come to a better understanding of what sin is and how to live to please God. Our faith doesn’t end with accepting Christ as our sacrifice… we have to then act on our faith to keep it alive; to allow it to grow.

We have turned the sacrifice of our savior into a joke by our behavior. It is no wonder the world is so skeptical of the message of Christ. They see the followers of Christ acting no differently than anyone else, so why should they embrace it?

We need to remember the very first words of Christ’s ministry…Repent (return to obediance), for the Kingdom of God is at hand. That was written to us…not for us to hit others over the head with!

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